Saturday, December 4, 2010

Well, here I am

Freedom by Bohman, on Flickr
Hey, I'm Joe. I don't have a job, and you might think I'd be bummed. At first I was, but you know what? I hated that job anyway. I hated fighting rush hour traffic to be at my desk on time, paste a smile on my face, kiss the boss's butt, and do a lot of pointless crap while other people make money off me. What's the point? Every day, I felt like my life was slipping away from me.

Once I got laid off, I decided to look for a better way to earn money than licking someone's boots and trading my life for just enough to pay the mortgage and car payment. First I read The Four-Hour Workweek, then I got excited! Tim Ferriss is right: why should I follow all the rules and do what I'm told my whole life, and wait until I'm 65 to really live? Forget that!

If you're in the same boat, it's time to read up! Here are some blogs I read:
Far Beyond the Stars
The Middle Finger Project
Smart Passive Income

Also, check out my new site: How to Make Money without a Job. I'm starting to make money online  so I never have to slave for the man again. I'm putting all the products that have taught me what I needed to know on the site so other people can do it too.

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